Business Quotes
Adequacy of quality and quantity of service is not sufficient to maintain a permanent market for your services. The conduct, or the spirit in which you deliver service, is a strong determining factor in connection with both the price you receive, and the duration of employment.
Age has nothing to do with starting a business. Courage, ambition, and a sincere desire to serve others are all that are required. You may be eighteen or eighty.
Business associations are vital factors, both in failure and in success. will get it. will attract it. Make a decision, find a need, and fill it. Your age should not be a consideration.
If one has a personality which pleases, and renders service in a spirit of harmony, these assets often make up for deficiencies in both the quality, and the quantity of service one renders. Nothing, however, can be successfully substituted for pleasing conduct.
The quality and the quantity of service rendered, and the spirit in which it is rendered, determine to a large extent, the price, and the duration of employment.
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