Helping Others Quotes
A good deed bears interest. You cannot hold a light to another's path without brightening your own. Develop greatness in others. Lift people up, don't put them down.
A good way to forget your own troubles is to help others out of theirs.
A true servant helps other people become motivated by guiding them to their gifts, callings, talents, and strengths.
Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
Each human being presents us with an opportunity to serve.
Employers who understand human nature, get the best there is in men, not by criticism, but by constructive suggestion.
Everyone needs help from somebody.
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. A "you can do it" when things are tough.
Find the good in everyone; draw out their talents and abilities.
How do you know a good person? A good person brings out goodness in others. Find happiness by helping others find it.
It is absolutely true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed.
The best way to encourage yourself is to encourage someone else.
The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.
Truly great people have the unique perspective that greatness is not deposited in them to stay but rather to flow through them into others.
We increase whatever we praise, and the deepest need in human nature is the need to be appreciated and loved.
What means most in life is what you have done for others.
What we do for ourselves alone dies with us; what we do for others is timeless.
You'll always have everything you want in life if you'll help enough other people get what they want.
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