Leadership Quotes
It is the duty of all leaders to make it difficult for others to do wrong, easy to do right.
Leaders do what is right rather than what is popular.
Leaders know how to draw the best out of their people.
Leaders learn to say "thank you" and "please" on the way to the top.
Leaders launch forth before success is certain.
Leaders make others better.
Leadership involves the ability to lead. A leader is someone who knows where he/she is going and is able to persuade others to go along.
The able leader trains understudies to whom he may delegate, at will, any of the details of his position. Only in this way may a leader multiply himself and prepare himself to be at many places, and give attention to many things at one time.
The really great leader claims none of the honors. He is contented to see the honors, when there are any, go to his followers, because he knows that most men will work harder for commendation and recognition than they will for money alone.
True leadership begins with servanthood.
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