Learning Quotes
An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything he wants, or its equivalent without violating the rights of others.
Any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action.
I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
Successful men, in all callings, never stop acquiring specialized knowledge related to their major purpose, business, or profession.
The man who can organize and direct a “Master Mind” group of men who possess knowledge useful in the accumulation of money, is just as much a man of education as any man in the group.
The person who stops studying merely because he has finished school is forever hopelessly doomed to mediocrity, no matter what may be his calling. The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.
There's only one way to get understanding. One way, not two. Just one. And that's through study. There is no other way.
To get what you want, you must learn how. To learn how, you must study.
Whatever "it" is, you can do it. You simply have to learn how.
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