Persistence Quotes
A quitter never wins—and—a winner never quits.
Be persistent no matter how slowly you may, at first, have to move. With persistence will come success.
Before success comes in any man's life, he is sure to meet with temporary defeat, and, perhaps some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do.
If one does not possess persistence, one does not achieve noteworthy success in any calling.
In trying times, don't stop trying.
It is always better to fail in doing something than to excel at doing nothing.
Never be discouraged when you make progress, no matter how slow or small. Only be wary of standing still.
Never give up on what you really know you should do. Failure is waiting on the path of the least persistence.
Nobody and nothing can keep you down unless you decide not to rise again.
Obstacles can temporarily detour you, but only you can make you stop.
One person with commitment, persistence, and endurance will accomplish more than a thousand people with interest alone.
Persist and persevere, and you will find most things that are attainable, possible.
Persist until your plan is realized.
Persistence is a habit—so is quitting.
The choice of giving up or going on is a defining moment in your life.
The common conception is that motivation leads to action, but the reverse is true—action precedes motivation.
The ease with which lack of persistence may be conquered will depend entirely upon the intensity of one's desire.
The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard, and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune. A few carry on despite all opposition, until they attain their goal.
The most common trait I have found in all people that are successful is that they have conquered the temptation to give up.
The world acknowledges talent, recognizes genius, pays off in money, only after one has refused to quit.
There's a common thread that runs through the lives of exceptional people. They are beaten over the head, knocked down, vilified, and for years they get nowhere. But every time they're knocked down, they stand up. You cannot destroy these people.
Those who don't expect anything are the ones who are never disappointed. Those who never try, never fail.
Those who pick themselves up after defeat and keep on trying, arrive; and the world cries, "Bravo! I knew you could do it!"
Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Whatever you want to accomplish in life will require persistence.
Wherever men and women accumulate great riches, you may be sure they first acquired persistence.
Without persistence, you will be defeated even before you start. With persistence you will win.
You have no right to anything you have not pursued, for the proof of desire is in the pursuit.
You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.
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