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Relationship Quotes

Close association with one who refuses to compromise with circumstances he does not like, is an asset that can never be measured in terms of money.
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
God sends people across our paths to bless and help us, but we should be directed by God and very cautious when entering into any partnership. We must be sure that the reason for the relationship is right, and sure that we aren't merely looking for a shortcut.
John Mason, An Enemy Called Average
I've found that it is better to be alone than in the wrong company.
John Mason, An Enemy Called Average
Look carefully at the closest associations in your life; they indicate the direction you're heading.
John Mason, An Enemy Called Average
You must learn to become one with the Father (God) so that you may:
  • Perceive truth
  • Have wisdom
  • Know the right ends to seek
  • Know the right means to use to attain those ends
  • Secure power and ability to use the means
Wallaced D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich


  1. Think and Grow Rich
  2. An Enemy Called Average
  3. The Science of Getting Rich
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