Time Quotes
Failure's most successful strategy is procrastination. Now is the best time to be alive and productive.
Most people spend their entire lives letting down buckets into empty wells and then waste their days trying to pull them up again and again.
Never waste time planning, analyzing, and risking on small ideas. It's smarter to spend more time on decisions that are irreversible and to spend less time on those that are reversible.
The best shortcut you can ever take is to do what God says in His timing.
The best time of day is now.
The right direction taken at the wrong time is a bad decision.
There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; no honor is too distant to the man who prepares himself for it with patient.
There is no time like the present, and there is no present like time.
When you are outside of the right timing, you will sow hurry and reap frustration. What benefit is running if you're on the wrong road?
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