Wealth Quotes
Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.
Before looking for a way to get, look for a way to give.
Before we can accumulate riches in great abundance, we must magnetize our minds with intense desire for riches.
Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.
By always doing more than you're paid for, you'll eventually be paid more than you're getting now.
By putting more in, you'll get more out. By overcontributing, you'll end up being overcompensated.
Capitalists are motivated by the desire to build, construct, achieve, render useful service, earn profits and accumulate riches.
Financial independence, riches, desirable business and professional positions are not within reach of the person who neglects or refuses to expect, plan, and demand these things.
Here are the key characteristics of the wealthy:
- A willingness to listen to their own heart.
- The ability to act when opportunities present themselves.
- The understanding that wealth is an ongoing process—not a destination you arrive at one day and then stop.
If you can give increase of life to others and make them sensible of the fact, they will be attracted to you, and you will get rich.
If you contribute hard work, helpfulness and honesty, you will get back riches, rewards and the respect of other people.
If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance.
If you want to increase the quantity and quality of your returns, your rewards, you need but to increase the quantity and quality of your service.
It is an inevitable law of nature that you lose that which you do not use. And of course, this applies to the use of your own mind; the same to everything else.
Knowledge will not attract money, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical plans of action, to the definite end of accumulation of money.
No one can do better than earn a mere living unless and until it begins going the extra mile.
No person can get rich themselves, unless they first enrich others.
Poverty consciousness will voluntarily seize the mind which is not occupied with the money consciousness.
Poverty is attracted to the one whose mind is favorable to it, as money is attracted to him whose mind has been deliberately prepared to attract it.
Rendering useful service is one dependable method of accumulating and legally holding riches.
Riches are never the result of hard work! Riches come in response to definite demands, based upon the application of definite principles, and not by chance or luck.
Riches begin in the form of thought! The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the thought is put into motion.
Riches is usually brought about through well-conceived and carefully executed PLANS. Poverty needs no plan. It needs no one to aid it, because it is bold and ruthless. Riches are shy and timid. They have to be “attracted.
The accumulation of great fortunes calls for power, and power is acquired though highly organized and intelligently directed specialized knowledge, but that knowledge does not, necessarily, have to be in the possession of the man who accumulates the fortune.
The amount of money you earn will always be in exact ratio to:
- The need for what you do
- Your ability to do it
- The difficulty there will be in replacing you
The first thing a person must do to move into a state of prosperity is to recognize that ‘God is the source of your supply.’ That is not the person (e.g. a boss, a family member) or particular conditions (e.g. the economy) that apparently determine your prosperity.
The world does not pay men for that which they "know." It pays them for what they do or induce others to do with that which they know.
The worker or business that is always rewarded by the employer and customer alike is the one that delivers more than they were paid for.
To increase your probability of getting rich:
- Go into a business you like which requires the expression of your talents.
- Work in a business in the right location, where it is likely to have a good market.
- Make sure your field or industry is growing.
We've got to be of service first before we can expect money. Don't concern yourself with money. Be of service ... build ... work ... dream ... create! Do this and you'll find there is no limit to the prosperity and abundance that will come to you.
What the superior man seeks is in God. What the small man seeks is in himself or in others.
Wishing will not bring riches. But the following will:
- Desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession.
- Planning definite ways and means to acquire riches.
- Backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure.
You can't help the poor by becoming one of them.
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